Sunday, December 1, 2013


What would you DO? What would you endure for the joy set before you? What storm would you face? How far would you go? ...and would you say, "Pick me" if the ugly outweighed the beauty, at first sight? Hebrews 12:2 says, " Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who FOR THE JOY SET BEFORE HIM endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Jesus would have no other STEAL HIS JOY. Who am I? No, who are we to settle for less? The AUTHOR and PERFECTER of our faith is asking you to ponder this question not just today but every tomorrow to come. Tomorrow isn't promised. If you take nothing with you take that truth, because I strive to live it's weight. Are you living ON PURPOSE or surviving as if it were by mere accident? If the doctor had to diagnose one in your family tomorrow, would you say, "Pick me!" If your best friend needed a kidney tomorrow, would you say, "It's yours TODAY!" I would. Live by example. Not mine, but His alone. If a co-worker, family member, stranger, or friend were going to attempt to shred your character right down to your faith verbally, would you welcome it? Many who know me to the core know that because of ONE movie (Beyond Borders) and the things I've seen on mission it is extremely rare that I take any medicine to numb myself from FEELING. Think about how far we will go not to have to FEEL. I can tell you this much is true of me. He IS the AUTHOR and I get to be reminded day in and day out that He is also the PERFECTER. Think about it. He knows you can't get there by yourself, so in His kindness He drives you and He will use the ugliest vehicles of pain and suffering to get you there. I'm suffering even as I write, but willingly for the joy set before me...restoration of an irreplaceable friendship to a new level of beauty. He will use EVERYTHING to get you to the sweet spot of HOME in Him. To get you to the place in your faith where you say, "If I perish, I perish," like your sister Esther. In August of 2014 I was planning on starting the paperwork for adopting a baby girl but God knew there were TWO things that would place that in another season of prayer and thus returning later to the paperwork part of the journey. MARRIAGE AND MISSIONS. You see, years ago I was working as an advocate for Compassion International at the Gwinnett Arena for a Catalyst event when a young woman walked up to my table, told me she was leaving on the World Race and that I should go with her. I listened to a few details and decided to pray about it. Years later I met an incredible man of God who inspired me and motivated me in so many ways. Paul Iwanaga was my second confirmation that I was to one day go, as he had already gone before me...returning to tell the stories of his travels. While doing life with a young woman in my small group the other night she told me she was considering doing the World Race. You don't make the mistake of telling me about what God has in mind unless you want to see your TRY turn into DO. So now I remind her that she is leaving in September. She (not named so as to not steal her joy) was my third confirmation. While doing dishes with my brother-in-law yesterday out of the blue he said, "So you're about due for another big trip aren't you?" an added bonus from God with Kevin Hakes just for laughs :) Then God got me up at 2am this morning with World Race heavy on my heart and my excuses in full throttle, while I thought I was only up to have my face planted on my prayer rug fighting for restoration for my best friend and I. He wanted BOTH for me. If you aren't wearing a prayer path in your carpet, on a rug, around a space you believe He has claimed for you, or in the woods somewhere are missing out on joy only found in those places. My place of prayer often my car on long drives, short drives, and purposeful prayer drives with no destination but empty to overflowing. When I decided to move to Cherokee County the first confirmation came while I was sitting in church the day before my birthday listening to a message, the second was having my friend Jodi Lynch stop mid-sentence with a friend and say, "So when are you thinking you might look for a job up here and move here?" The third was when I ran into a neighbor I hadn't seen in like 9 months (judging from her belly) and she said, "Weren't you going to take a new job?" Her husband looked at her after looking at my bewildered expression saying, "Wow, that's 5 times this week that the Lord has told you something before the person He's going to bless. He said I did. So in 2015 I will head off for 11 months in 11 countries traveling on mission with brothers and sisters from all over the world. You would say of me that I never meet a stranger. MY JOY, HIS GLORY. For the joy set before me I will say "YES," worry not, fear not, treasure every tomorrow, endure___. My house will go on the market, my car will be paid off and for sale, all unnecessary furniture sold, school loan deferred, and the craziest thing I am at peace with is that I will not sign another contract with my employer that May. I will carry whatever defines manna, sleep in whatever space is provided, travel to whatever country is on the map, speak whatever words the Spirit asks of me, dance whatever ways elicit smiles, teach whatever the Lord lays on my heart or is handed me...and live 11 months of WHAT EVER comes, "YES." As it reads on the WR website, "There is more to life than empty traditions, routines, and working 9-5." IF God were to suddenly say no to this experience, then I would bless another on their travels and welcome my new circumstances. I could be dating, getting married, pregnant, or even sick when the time comes...but I don't know a better way to live than "Yes____." No matter my soil I am ON MAP ON MISSION...but sometimes you just know it's not an accident that God is able to snuff out every excuse before you even breathe it into place, I have done nothing to disqualify me from marriage, and while waiting to steward my own kids, God calls me to steward yours and theirs marking them for life. I was wired to be others focused and some understand that to a greater depth than others. I was called to teach God's kids about God, but never confined to a classroom...I just strive to live out His Word. How am I doing? Failing and falling every single day..but trusting a better tomorrow to come. If you haven't learned already, one of the most powerful prayers you can pray is FAVOR period. One of the most dangerous ways to live is with "YES" on your lips. BUT if you knew right now that if your circumstances were absent you would lose a blessing, your joy would be stolen, and the more God had in mind for you would go to another...would you welcome your circumstances with joy? Good news! What I just said is 100% true. There is a joy that can only be known if we'll travel these roads. Yes, THIS one you're on right NOW. Jesus would have it no other way. No other could steal His joy. FOR THE JOY SET BEFORE ME I WILL... I challenge you to make a list, exhaust yourself, and finally arrive at the fact that nothing needs to follow those ellipses because it is I WILL that matters most with the promise of JOY that will not be found empty. "Pick ME!"

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